Communication Tools

Team-internal communication in a diversified way

Online e-mails and e-telegrams with worldwide access

E-mails as well as e-telegrams can be sent to all team members via the messaging module. E-mails will be sent to the denoted e-mail address. E-telegrams will appear for the corresponding team member below the menu bar as a hint. If a member is not online the hint will be advised with the next login in the team.


Online chat system for projects on the internet

With the online chat system all team members can communicate with each other in a separated system that does not affect the work in teamspace. Members will see other members online and the chat can be reached from each teamspace site.

Only team members can enter the chat room and the chat can be automatically documented as a protocol in the file system.


Send SMS online

The SMS module of teamspace offers an easy way to send short text messages to your team member all over the world. Writing a SMS is now as simple and fast as writing an e-Mail.

Each team gets 5 SMS per month for free. If they are spent you can buy a quota of at least 100 SMS for USD 19.00.

In addition to the independet SMS module the SMS functionality has been integrated in other teamspace modules. You can send SMS to all your contacts that provide a mobile number just by one mouse click. The team leader has the right to limit the use of the SMS module only for special user groups or to allow it for each team member.